scotlandsarchitects 2021-04-22T05:20:36-07:00 scotlandsarchitects 2021-04-22T05:20:36-07:00 2021-04-22T05:20:36-07:00 Horseradish Root, Big Top All Horseradish SeedsNow-Horseradish (IE)

Vendor: SeedsNow-Horseradish (IE)
Type: All Horseradish
Price: 9.99 - 44.95 (2 variants)

The Big Top Horseradish Root (Armoracia rusticana) is known and grown for its large, white tapered root that is often grated to add a tangy, spicy kick to just about anything. Above ground, the gorgeous, robust plant with large, wide, deep green edible leaves can grow 3'-5' tall. A traditional accompaniment to roast beef, but will take your tuna fish sandwich or avocado toast to another level.

*You will receive one live root. Please be prepared to plant it as soon as it arrives. Choose a large pot or a permanent in-ground location for this vigorous perennial that will continue to produce for a lifetime.*

  • Easy to grow
  • Spicy and tangy
  • Perennial
  • Edible leaves and roots

Good Companion Plants: Asparagus, Potato, Pumpkin, Rhubarb, Strawberry

  • Horseradish is a perennial plant popular around the world today.
  • The whole root has almost no odor – but when cut is extremely spicy and aromatic.

Root Planting Guide:

  • 10" – 12" between plants
  • 3’ between rows
  • Plant at 45° angle with flat end facing up
  • Flat end should be about 1" below soil surface

Irrigation: Keep soil moist throughout the establishment period

Special Considerations: Harvest roots the 2nd fall after planting. If not harvested, divide roots every year or two

2023 Single Root 9.99 0 Bundle of 5 Roots 44.95 0 2011-07-02T18:29:00-07:00 2011-07-02T18:29:00-07:00 Horehound All Horehound seeds SeedsNow

Vendor: SeedsNow
Type: All Horehound seeds
Price: 2.99 - 5.99 (2 variants)

  • The leaves of the Horehound plant are widely used to flavor juices and teas.  Horehound is used to make hard lozenge candies that are considered by folk medicine to aid digestion, soothe sore throats, and relieve inflammation.

    - Easy to grow from seed and can be sowed directly in the garden

    - Plant in a sunny location with well-drainage
  • Days to Maturity | 75 days

See Horehound Recipes & Growing Tips on our Pinterest Board

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CA Zone 1 CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Fall Grows well in full sun Grows well in shade Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens Matures in <90 days planting_cal Popular medicinal varieties Spring Start indoors Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 1 US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Winter Sampler Pack (Appx. 90 seeds) 2.99 95375 0 Large Pack (Appx. 220 Seeds) 5.99 95375 0 2011-07-02T18:29:00-07:00 2011-07-02T18:29:00-07:00 Hyssop All Hyssop seeds SeedsNow

Vendor: SeedsNow
Type: All Hyssop seeds
Price: 2.99 - 6.99 (3 variants)

  • Hyssop has a long history of medicinal use and was so highly esteemed in the past that it was considered to be a virtual cure-all
  • Day to Maturity | 75 days

Additional Details

"Currently an undervalued herb, it is often used as a household remedy, particularly as an expectorant and stomach tonic. It has a positive effect when used to treat bronchitis and respiratory infections, especially where there is excessive mucous production. Hyssop can irritate the mucous membranes, so it is best given after an infection has peaked, when the herb's tonic action encourages a general recovery. The plant should not be used by pregnant women, however, since in large quantities it can induce a miscarriage. The leaves and flowering tops are antiseptic, antitussive, astringent, carminative, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, pectoral, sedative, stimulant, stomachic, tonic and vasodilator. The plant can be harvested when in full flower and dried for later use. A tea made from the leaves is used in the treatment of flatulence, stomach-aches, upper respiratory tract infections, coughs in children etc. A poultice made from the fresh herb is used to heal wounds. The essential oil is used in aromatherapy. Its keyword is 'Stability'. This oil should not be used on people who are highly strung as it can cause epileptic symptoms. The essential oil should not be used internally except under professional supervision." SOURCE


WARNING LABEL: scotlandsarchitects cannot take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of seeds and/or plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a seed and/or plant for medicinal purposes.
Follow scotlandsarchitects's board Hyssop on Pinterest.
CA Zone 1 CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate cold temperatures Direct sow Fall Grows well in shade Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens Matures in <90 days new-arrivals planting_cal Popular medicinal varieties Spring Start indoors Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 1 US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Winter Sampler Pack (Appx. 40 seeds) 2.99 X7185 0 Medium Pack (Appx. 150 seeds) 4.99 X7185 0 Large Pack (Appx. 400 Seeds) 6.99 X7185 0