scotlandsarchitects 2023-03-11T10:03:28-08:00 scotlandsarchitects 2023-03-11T10:03:28-08:00 2023-03-11T10:03:28-08:00 Angelica (Wild Celery / Holy Ghost) All Angelica Seeds SeedsNow

Vendor: SeedsNow
Type: All Angelica Seeds
Price: 0.99 - 5.99 (2 variants)

Angelica (Angelica archangelica), also called Wild Celery and Holy Ghost, is a fragrant herb in the carrot family. Like a carrot, it’s a biennial that flowers the second year, and it has a long thick root. But it’s not a carrot. For starters, it tastes like licorice. And the plant can grow to 4'-6' tall. It prefers cooler weather and growing near running water, so congrats if you’re gardening along the riverbanks of Utopia. The rest of us can just grow it in dappled shade and make sure the soil doesn’t dry out.

The flowers, leaves, seeds, stems, and roots are all edible. Peel the young, hollow, purple-tinged stems and use like celery, use the leaves like spinach, or make a tea from the leaves, flowers, seeds, and roots.

As a medicinal herb, Angelica has been used to treat anxiety, bladder infections, bronchitis, colds, cough, fever, flatulence, indigestion, insomnia, heartburn, lack of appetite, poor circulation, respiratory issues, typhus, and upset stomach.

  • Mild licorice flavor
  • All parts are edible
  • Culinary and medicinal
  • Good fresh and cooked

  • As a companion plant, it attracts all sorts of friendly pollinators and beneficial insects.

    ⚠️ Medicinal properties are presented as information only, and are not a recommendation or prescription for use. Consult a medical professional before using any herb medicinally.


    • Botanical name: Angelica archangelica
    • Life cycle: Herbaceous biennial
    • Hardiness zones: 4-8
    • Planting season: Spring, fall
    • Days to maturity: 1-2 years; can begin harvesting when 6" tall
    • Depth to plant seeds: Lightly cover - seeds need light to germinate
    • Days to germinate (sprout): 14-28 days
    • Germination soil temps: 60F-65F
    • Spacing between plants: 18"-24" apart
    • Spacing between rows: 24"-36" apart
    • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per 2 sq. ft.
    • Soil types: Clay, sandy, loamy, silty, moist, well-drained
    • Soil pH: 4.5-7.4
    • Sun needs: Full sun, part shade
    • Water needs: High - keep soil moist
    • Cold stratify: Yes
    • Frost tolerant: Yes
    • Heat tolerant: No
    • Drought tolerant: No
    • Deer resistant: No
    • Culinary use: Yes
    • Medicinal use: Yes
    CA Zone 1 CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate cold temperatures Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Grows well in full sun Grows well in shade Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens Matures in <90 days Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Start indoors Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 1 US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Large Pack (Appx. 500 Seeds) 5.99 95345 0 Sampler Pack (Appx. 50 seeds) 0.99 95345 0 2023-02-02T08:51:29-08:00 2023-02-02T08:51:29-08:00 Shiso, Red (Perilla Leaf, Japanese Basil) All Basil seeds SeedsNow

    Vendor: SeedsNow
    Type: All Basil seeds
    Price: 2.99 - 5.99 (2 variants)

    Red Shiso (Perilla frutescens), also called Perilla Leaf and Japanese Basil, is an herb in the mint family with large, deep purple, wrinkled, serrated leaves. Much stronger and spicier than Green Shiso, the crunchy leaves are used mainly in salads, for pickling, and as a natural food coloring. Used extensively in Japanese cuisine, it has a fresh minty-basil flavor with notes of clove and cumin, and a bitter, astringent finish. Pairs well with fish, rice, noodles, and vegetables, especially cucumbers. Also a medicinal herb with antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. Its rhizome root can become invasive, so best grown in a container.

    • Mint-basil-clove-cumin flavor
    • Full sun
    • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-21 days
    • Days to maturity: 80-85 days

    Good companion plants: Arugula, Basil, Bok Choy, Parsley, Tomato

    2023 Basil CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Grows well in full sun Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens Herbs Matures in <90 days planting_cal Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Start indoors Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (Appx. 100 seeds) 2.99 96812 0 Large Pack (Appx. 1,000 Seeds) 5.99 96812 0 2023-02-02T08:49:06-08:00 2023-02-02T08:49:06-08:00 Shiso, Green (Perilla Leaf, Japanese Basil) All Basil seeds SeedsNow

    Vendor: SeedsNow
    Type: All Basil seeds
    Price: 2.99 - 5.99 (2 variants)

    Green Shiso (Perilla frutescens), also called Perilla Leaf and Japanese Basil, is an herb in the mint family with large, bright green, wrinkled, serrated leaves. Not as spicy as Red ShisoUsed extensively in Japanese cuisine, it has a fresh minty-basil flavor with notes of clove and cumin, and a bitter, astringent finish. Pairs well with fish, rice, noodles, and vegetables, especially cucumbers. Also a medicinal herb with antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. Its rhizome root can become invasive, so best grown in a container.

    • Mint-basil-clove-cumin flavor
    • Full sun
    • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-21 days
    • Days to maturity: 80-85 days

    Good companion plants: Arugula, Basil, Bok Choy, Parsley, Tomato

    2023 Basil CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Grows well in full sun Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens Herbs Matures in <90 days planting_cal Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Start indoors Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (Appx. 100 seeds) 2.99 97056 0 Large Pack (Appx. 1,000 Seeds) 5.99 97056 0 2022-12-11T06:28:36-08:00 2022-12-11T06:28:36-08:00 Flowers - Sunflower, Maximillian All Sunflower Seeds SeedsNow

    Vendor: SeedsNow
    Type: All Sunflower Seeds
    Price: 2.99 - 5.99 (2 variants)

    The Maximillian Sunflower (Helianthus maximiliani) is a drought-tolerant perennial. Produces a 3"-5" blossom with veined, pointed bright yellow petals around a dark golden center. Grows 3'-10' tall on branching, hairy stems with multiple blooms per stem, and long, narrow, drooping foliage. Bold, robust, and cheerful.

    • Life cycle: Perennial
    • Bloom season: Summer
    • Attracts: Birds, bees, butterflies, and other pollinators
    • Flower meaning: Admiration, devotion, happiness, honesty, loyalty, optimism, peace, vitality


    • Botanical name: Helianthus maximiliani
    • Hardiness zones: 4-9
    • Planting season: Spring, fall
    • Days to maturity: 90-100 days
    • Cold stratify: Yes
    • Depth to plant seeds: 1/2" deep
    • Spacing between plants: 36"-48" apart
    • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-25 days
    • Germination soil temps: 65F-70F
    • Soil types: Clay, sandy, loamy, rocky, dry, well-drained
    • Soil pH: 6.5-7.8
    • Water needs: Low - do not overwater
    • Sun needs: Full sun
    • Frost tolerant: No
    • Drought tolerant: Yes
    • Deer resistant: Yes
    2023 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Direct sow Fall Grows well in full sun Grows well in shade Grows well with raised beds Matures in <90 days planting_cal Spring US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (Appx. 30 seeds) 2.99 D3481 0 Large Pack (Appx. 320 seeds) 5.99 D3481 0 2022-12-05T07:16:05-08:00 2022-12-05T07:16:05-08:00 Sweet Woodruff (Sweet-Scented Bedstraw) All Bee Balm Seeds SeedsNow

    Vendor: SeedsNow
    Type: All Bee Balm Seeds
    Price: 2.99 - 5.99 (2 variants)

    Sweet Woodruff, also called Sweet-Scented Bedstraw, is a fast-growing, mat-forming herb and groundcover with dark green leaves and small, white, waxy, star-shaped flowers that bloom in spring. When crushed or cut, and especially dried, it has a grassy vanilla fragrance. Prefers partial to full shade, even under a Black Walnut tree. Add the leaves to fruit salads, jellies, and herbal teas, and use the flowers as an adorable and edible garnish. Reseeding and shallow runner roots enable it to spread easily.

    • Grassy vanilla fragrance
    • Culinary and medicinal
    • Can be invasive
    • Attracts bees, butterflies, and other pollinators

    As a companion plant, it attracts all sorts of friendly pollinators to the garden.

    As a medicinal herb, Sweet Woodruff has been used internally to treat congestion, insomnia, migraine headaches, nerve pain, and water retention, and externally to treat burns, wounds, and swelling.

    ⚠️ Contains naturally occurring coumarin and should not be ingested in large quantities if you are taking medication for circulatory disorders or are pregnant.

    ⚠️ Medicinal properties are presented as information only, and are not a recommendation or prescription for use. Consult a medical professional before using any herb medicinally.


    • Botanical name: Galium odoratum
    • Life cycle: Herbaceous perennial
    • Hardiness zones: 4-8
    • Planting season: Spring, fall, winter
    • Days to maturity: 90-120 days
    • Depth to plant seeds: 1/4" deep
    • Days to germinate (sprout): 10-200 days
    • Germination soil temps: 60F-70F
    • Spacing between plants: 8"-12" apart
    • Spacing between rows: 18"-24" apart
    • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per sq. ft.
    • Soil types: Clay, sandy, loamy, rich, moist, well-drained
    • Soil pH: 4.3-8.3
    • Sun needs: Full shade, part shade
    • Water needs: Average
    • Cold stratify: Yes
    • Frost tolerant: Yes
    • Heat tolerant: No
    • Drought tolerant: No
    • Deer resistant: Yes
    • Culinary use: Yes
    • Medicinal use: Yes
    2023 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Grows well in full sun Grows well in shade Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens Herbs Matures in <90 days NEW planting_cal Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Summer US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (appx. 10 seeds) 2.99 96498 0 Large Pack (appx. 50 seeds) 5.99 96498 0 2022-05-03T07:39:57-07:00 2022-05-03T07:39:57-07:00 Flowers - Sunflower, Chocolate Cherry All Sunflower Seeds SeedsNow

    Vendor: SeedsNow
    Type: All Sunflower Seeds
    Price: 2.99 - 5.99 (2 variants)

    Chocolate Cherry

    Follow scotlandsarchitects's board Sunflowers on Pinterest.
    CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Direct sow Fall Grows well in full sun Grows well in shade Grows well with raised beds Matures in <90 days planting_cal Spring US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (Appx. 30 seeds) 2.99 L3536 0 Large Pack (Appx. 320 seeds) 5.99 L3536 0 2020-01-06T10:51:42-08:00 2020-01-06T10:51:42-08:00 Mint - Peppermint All mint seeds SeedsNow

    Vendor: SeedsNow
    Type: All mint seeds
    Price: 2.99 - 9.99 (2 variants)


    Mint, Peppermint

    • Peppermint is typically used in teas, jellies, deserts, and salads.

      - Extremely fragrant.

      - Sweet smelling

      - Acts as a natural wasp repellant.

      - Perennial.

      - Can be used as a garnish on ice cream and drinks.

    Click here to see 7 Awesome Mint Drink Recipes HERE

     Follow scotlandsarchitects's board Mint on Pinterest.

    CA Zone 1 CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate cold temperatures Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Grows well in full sun Grows well in shade Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens NEW new-arrivals planting_cal Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Start indoors Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 1 US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (Appx. 100 seeds) 2.99 KK965 0 Large Pack (Appx. 500 seeds) 9.99 KK965 0 2020-01-06T03:09:37-08:00 2020-01-06T03:09:37-08:00 Flowers - Echinacea (Purple Coneflower) All Echinacea seeds SeedsNow

    Vendor: SeedsNow
    Type: All Echinacea seeds
    Price: 2.99 - 5.99 (2 variants)

    Echinacea, also called Purple Coneflower, is an easy care perennial in the daisy family. Blooms bunches of blossoms with lavender petals skirting a brown spiky cone center atop sturdy stems that can grow 2'-4' tall. The leaves, flowers, buds, stems, and roots have been used medicinally for centuries, both dried and fresh, as an herbal tea, tincture, and oil infusion. Plant a deep pot, a small plot, or an entire lot!

    • Immune system booster
    • Attracts pollinators
    • Long-lasting cut flower
    • Good for containers

    As a medicinal herb, Echinacea supports the immune system and has been used internally as a preventative against colds, flu, and chest congestion. It has also been used internally to treat anxiety, arthritis, asthma, colds, constipation, cough, depression, diphtheria, headache, inflammation, pain, rheumatism, sore throat, stomach cramps, strep throat, tonsillitis, tuberculosis, and whooping cough. Externally, Echinacea has been used to treat insect bites and stings, burns, dry or wrinkled skin, tired eyes, toothache, and wounds.


    • Botanical name: Echinacea purpurea
    • Life cycle: Herbaceous perennial
    • Hardiness zones: 3-9
    • Planting season: Spring, summer, fall
    • Days to maturity: 2 years; can begin harvesting when 6" tall
    • Depth to plant seeds: Lightly cover - seeds need light to germinate
    • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-30 days
    • Germination soil temps: 65F-70F
    • Spacing between plants: 12"-18" apart
    • Spacing between rows: 18"-24" apart
    • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per sq. ft.
    • Soil types: Clay, sandy, loamy, silty, rocky, chalky, shallow, poor, rich, dry, well-drained
    • Soil pH: 6.5-7.2
    • Sun needs: Full sun, part shade
    • Water needs: Low - do not overwater
    • Cold stratify: Yes
    • Frost tolerant: Yes
    • Heat tolerant: Yes
    • Drought tolerant: Yes
    • Deer resistant: Yes
    • Medicinal use: Yes

    ⚠️ Medicinal properties are presented as information only, and are not a recommendation or prescription for use. Consult a medical professional before using any herb medicinally.

    CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Fall Grows well in shade Grows well with raised beds NEW planting_cal Popular medicinal varieties Spring Summer US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (appx. 20 seeds) 2.99 J7499 0 Large Pack (appx. 100 seeds) 5.99 J7499 0 2020-01-05T02:43:00-08:00 2020-01-05T02:43:00-08:00 Dill - Dukat All Dill seeds SeedsNow

    Vendor: SeedsNow
    Type: All Dill seeds
    Price: 2.99 - 9.99 (2 variants)

    • Dukat dill is a particularly fine plant with amazing flavor and large heads.  If you like dill you will love to try this new variety in your garden
    • This variety is darker than most other dill varieties.

    • Excellent fresh or dried.

    • Grown for homemade dill pickles.

    • Can be grown in containers, raised beds, and any other location in full sun.

    • Annual plant.

    • Adds great flavor and color to many culinary creations.

    Additional Details

    Dill has a very long history of herbal use going back more than 2,000 years. The seeds are a common and very effective household remedy for a wide range of digestive problems. An infusion is especially efficacious in treating gripe in babies and flatulence in young children. The seed is aromatic, carminative, mildly diuretic, galactogogue, stimulant and stomachic.

    Other Medicinal Properties

    Dill is also used in the form of an extracted essential oil. Used either in an infusion, or by eating the seed whole, the essential oil in the seed relieves intestinal spasms and griping, helping to settle colic. Chewing the seed improves bad breath. Dill is also a useful addition to cough, cold and flu remedies, it can be used with antispasmodics such as Viburnum opulus to relieve period pains. Dill will also help to increase the flow of milk in nursing mothers and will then be taken by the baby in the milk to help prevent colic.


    See Dill Recipes & Growing Tips on our Pinterest Board

    Follow scotlandsarchitects's board Dill on Pinterest.


    2017 CA Zone 1 CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate cold temperatures Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Fall Grows well in full sun Grows well in shade Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens Matures in <90 days NEW Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Start indoors Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 1 US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (appx. 100 seeds) 2.99 FF659 0 Large Pack (appx. 500 seeds) 9.99 FF659 0 2020-01-05T02:30:29-08:00 2020-01-05T02:30:29-08:00 Flowers - Spotted Bee Balm, Wild Bergamot All Bee Balm Seeds SeedsNow

    Vendor: SeedsNow
    Type: All Bee Balm Seeds
    Price: 2.99 - 5.99 (2 variants)

    • The Spotted Bee Balm plant produces a beautiful plant with purple spotted flowers known to attract bees and other beneficial garden pollinators

    • Common names: bee balm, horsemint, oswego tea, and wild bergamot

    • Smell is similar to Thyme

    • Has been used in teas and for other medicinal purposes

    • This plant is drought tolerant. Grows well in dry conditions, requiring little water to grow

    • Can grow up to 40" tall

    • Perennial
    CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Grows well in full sun Grows well in shade Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens Herbs Matures in <90 days NEW planting_cal Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Summer US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (appx. 90 seeds) 2.99 V6907 0 Large Pack (appx. 700 seeds) 5.99 V6907 0 2017-01-10T09:20:00-08:00 2017-01-10T09:20:00-08:00 Marigold - Sparky Mix All Marigold seeds SeedsNow

    Vendor: SeedsNow
    Type: All Marigold seeds
    Price: 2.99 - 5.99 (2 variants)

    • Sparky Marigold flowers are bright, bold, and beautiful

    • Colors range from orange, red, and yellow

    • Grows only 12" - 14" tall

    • Most popular for attracting butterflies, bees, and other beneficial pollinators   

    • Sparky is easy to grow and will grow all summer

    • Great for cut flowers and floral arrangements

    Follow scotlandsarchitects's board Marigolds on Pinterest.
    2017 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Direct sow Fall Grows well in full sun Grows well in shade Grows well with raised beds Matures in <90 days new-arrivals Spring US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (appx. 120 seeds) 2.99 P6202 0 Large Pack (appx. 540 seeds) 5.99 P6202 0 2017-01-08T21:34:00-08:00 2017-01-08T21:34:00-08:00 Dill - Mammoth All Dill seeds SeedsNow

    Vendor: SeedsNow
    Type: All Dill seeds
    Price: 2.99 - 9.99 (2 variants)

    • Annual plant
    • Adds great flavor and color to many culinary creations
    • 3 ft. plant with strongly aromatic foliage, stems, and heads
    • Excellent for fresh pickling
    • Days to Maturity | 40 - 65 days

    Additional Details

    Dill has a very long history of herbal use going back more than 2,000 years. The seeds are a common and very effective household remedy for a wide range of digestive problems. An infusion is especially efficacious in treating gripe in babies and flatulence in young children. The seed is aromatic, carminative, mildly diuretic, galactogogue, stimulant and stomachic.

    Other Medicinal Properties

    Dill is also used in the form of an extracted essential oil. Used either in an infusion, or by eating the seed whole, the essential oil in the seed relieves intestinal spasms and griping, helping to settle colic. Chewing the seed improves bad breath. Dill is also a useful addition to cough, cold and flu remedies, it can be used with antispasmodics such as Viburnum opulus to relieve period pains. Dill will also help to increase the flow of milk in nursing mothers and will then be taken by the baby in the milk to help prevent colic.


    See Dill Recipes & Growing Tips on our Pinterest Board

    Follow scotlandsarchitects's board Dill on Pinterest.


    2017 CA Zone 1 CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate cold temperatures Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Fall Grows well in full sun Grows well in shade Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens Matures in <90 days Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Start indoors Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 1 US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (Appx. 100 seeds) 2.99 FF661 0 Large Pack (Appx. 500 seeds) 9.99 FF661 0 2016-02-16T20:05:00-08:00 2016-02-16T20:05:00-08:00 Catnip All Catmint seeds SeedsNow

    Vendor: SeedsNow
    Type: All Catmint seeds
    Price: 3.99 - 7.98 (2 variants)

    Catnip is not the most beautiful plant you can grow, but it’s quite useful. The small spikes of white speckled flowers attract pollinators and beneficial insects to the vegetable garden. And the same compound that sends cats flying to the moon also sends mosquitoes flying away. Also repels ants, aphids, cabbage moths, cabbage white butterfly, cabbage worms, potato beetles, cucumber beetles, flea beetles, Japanese beetles, mice, roaches, slugs, squash bugs, voles, and weevils, which makes it a great companion for just about everyone (except Parsley). Reseeds easily and can become invasive. Use the minty leaves to flavor tea, pasta, vegetables, soups, and sauces.

  • Mosquito repellent
  • Can be invasive
  • Grows 2'-3' tall
  • Good for containers
    As a medicinal herb, Catnip has been used internally to treat anxiety, colds, cough, fever, insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, sore throat, and upset stomach, and externally to treat black eyes and other bruises.

    ⚠️ Medicinal properties are presented as information only, and are not a recommendation or prescription for use. Consult a medical professional before using any herb medicinally.


    • Botanical name: Nepeta cataria
    • Life cycle: Herbaceous perennial
    • Hardiness zones: 3-9
    • Planting season: Spring, fall
    • Days to maturity: 75-85 days; can begin harvesting when 6" tall
    • Depth to plant seeds: 1/4" deep
    • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-14 days
    • Germination soil temps: 60F-70F
    • Spacing between plants: 18"-24" apart
    • Spacing between rows: 24"-36" apart
    • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per 2 sq. ft.
    • Soil types: Sandy, loamy, silty, rocky, poor, rich, dry, moist, well-drained
    • Soil pH: 6.0-7.8
    • Sun needs: Full sun, part shade
    • Water needs: Low
    • Cold stratify: Yes
    • Frost tolerant: Yes
    • Heat tolerant: No
    • Drought tolerant: Yes
    • Deer resistant: Yes
    • Cat resistant: No
    • Culinary use: Yes
    • Medicinal use: Yes

    Good companion plants: Bean, Beet, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Collards, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fava Bean, Hyssop, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lavender, Lettuce, Mustard, Potato, Pumpkin, Radish, Rutabaga, Soybean, Strawberry, Squash, Tomato, Turnip, Zucchini

    More facts about Catnip:

    • Nepeta cataria. Perennial.
    • Classic aromatic scent that is proven to attract cats. They absolutely love to roll around in it.
    • Plant produces flavorful leaves that can be used in many culinary dishes and teas.
    • Said to have medicinal properties to relieve cold and flu symptoms.
    • Catnip is also a VERY effective mosquito repellent.
    • According to, nepetalactone, the essential oil in catnip that gives the plant its characteristic odor, is about ten times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than DEET — the compound used in most commercial insect repellents.
    • Simply grow catnip near the backyard or patio of your house.

    2016 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Grows well in full sun Grows well in shade Grows well with containers Grows well with raised beds Matures in <90 days new-arrivals Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 10 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (Appx. 240 seeds) 3.99 CC294 0 Large Pack (Appx. 500 seeds) 7.98 CC294 0 2016-02-09T17:05:00-08:00 2016-02-09T17:05:00-08:00 Basil, Lettuce Leaf All Basil seeds SeedsNow

    Vendor: SeedsNow
    Type: All Basil seeds
    Price: 2.99 - 6.99 (2 variants)

    Let us tell you about Lettuce Leaf Basil. It’s a lovely Italian basil that grows huge leaves as big as your hand, with a flavor that’s sweeter and less spicy than other basils. Its crinkles hold onto dressing in salads, you need only one leaf for a sandwich or wrap, and you can use the rest as you would any other basil. Save the edible flower spikes to garnish seafood dishes and cocktails.

    Harvest the leaves and stems from the top part of the plant, and pinch off edible flower buds as they appear, which prevents the leaves from turning bitter, and signals the plant to branch out and grow more leaves, making a bushier plant. The more you harvest, the more it grows!

    • Sweet and mild
    • Huge 5"-6" leaves
    • Grows 1'-2' tall
    • Good for containers
    • Tons of medicinal benefits!

    As a medicinal herb, Basil has been used internally to treat anxiety, colds, colic, cough, depression, diarrhea, fever, flatulence, flu, indigestion, insomnia, intestinal parasites and worms, exhaustion, gastric pain, gonorrhea, lactation problems, migraine headache, nausea, stomach cramps, sore throat, and vomiting, and externally to treat acne, insect bites and stings, loss of smell, skin problems, snake bites.

    ⚠️ Do not use medicinally while pregnant.

    ⚠️ Medicinal properties are presented as information only, and are not a recommendation or prescription for use. Consult a medical professional before using any herb medicinally.

    As a companion plant, Basil attracts hummingbirds, pollinators, and beneficial insects, and repels asparagus beetles, cabbage moths, cabbage white butterfly, cabbage worms, carrot rust fly, flies, maggots, mice, mosquitoes, spider mites, thrips, and tomato hornworms.

    Shop all Basil Seeds Shop Good Companion Plants for Basil 📚 Grow Guide: Basil 

    Health Benefits of Genovese Basil

    Basil is a known health tonic for expecting mothers and when mixed with tea it increases lactation in mothers.  It is also a nerve tonic and young children are sometimes encouraged to chew on the leaves of basil because it stimulates brain cells and can increase memory.  

      See Basil Recipes & Growing Tips on our Pinterest Board

      Follow scotlandsarchitects's board Basil on Pinterest.


      Shop all Basil Seeds Shop Good Companion Plants for Basil 📚 Grow Guide: Basil 
      2016 Basil CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Grows well in full sun Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens Herbs Matures in <90 days planting_cal Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Start indoors Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (Appx. 120 seeds) 2.99 D7012 0 Large Pack (Appx. 1,000 seeds) 6.99 D7012 0 2016-02-09T17:05:00-08:00 2016-02-09T17:05:00-08:00 Basil, Lemon All Basil seeds SeedsNow

      Vendor: SeedsNow
      Type: All Basil seeds
      Price: 2.99 - 6.99 (2 variants)

      Lemon Basil, also called Hoary Basil (for its fuzzy stems), is a hybrid cross between traditional basil and lime basil.

      The bright green leaves have a sweet lemony aroma and a tangy lemon-anise flavor that’s best used fresh in seafood dishes, fruit salads, lemonade, cocktails, and salad dressings. Add at the end of cooking to preserve the citrus flavor, then garnish with the edible flowers.

      Harvest the leaves and stems from the top part of the plant, and pinch off edible flower buds as they appear, which prevents the leaves from turning bitter, and signals the plant to branch out and grow more leaves, making a bushier plant.

      The more you harvest, the more it grows!

      • Tangy lemon-anise flavor
      • Culinary and medicinal
      • Good for indoor gardens
      • Good for containers
      • Tons of medicinal benefits!

      As a medicinal herb, Basil has been used internally to treat anxiety, colds, colic, cough, depression, diarrhea, fever, flatulence, flu, indigestion, insomnia, intestinal parasites and worms, exhaustion, gastric pain, gonorrhea, lactation problems, migraine headache, nausea, stomach cramps, sore throat, and vomiting, and externally to treat acne, insect bites and stings, loss of smell, skin problems, snake bites.

      ⚠️ Do not use medicinally while pregnant.

      ⚠️ Medicinal properties are presented as information only, and are not a recommendation or prescription for use. Consult a medical professional before using any herb medicinally.

      As a companion plant, Basil attracts hummingbirds, pollinators, and beneficial insects, and repels asparagus beetles, cabbage moths, cabbage white butterfly, cabbage worms, carrot rust fly, flies, maggots, mice, mosquitoes, spider mites, thrips, and tomato hornworms. 

      Shop all Basil Seeds Shop Good Companion Plants for Basil 📚 Grow Guide: Basil 

      Health Benefits of Lemon Basil

      Basil is a known health tonic for expecting mothers and when mixed with tea it increases lactation in mothers.  It is also a nerve tonic and young children are sometimes encouraged to chew on the leaves of basil because it stimulates brain cells and can increase memory.  

        See Basil Recipes & Growing Tips on our Pinterest Board

        Follow scotlandsarchitects's board Basil on Pinterest.


        Shop all Basil Seeds Shop Good Companion Plants for Basil 📚 Grow Guide: Basil 
        2016 Basil CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Grows well in full sun Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens Herbs Matures in <90 days new-arrivals planting_cal Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Start indoors Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (Appx. 120 seeds) 2.99 AA020 0 Large Pack (Appx. 1,000 Seeds) 6.99 AA020 0 2016-02-09T17:05:00-08:00 2016-02-09T17:05:00-08:00 Basil, Greek All Basil seeds SeedsNow

        Vendor: SeedsNow
        Type: All Basil seeds
        Price: 2.99 - 6.99 (2 variants)

        Greek Basil is a small-leaf dwarf variety that grows into a tight dome, about 1’ tall and wide. A great one for containers, hanging baskets, and indoor gardens. The bright green, oval leaves and soft stems have hints of clove and anise, and keep their flavor when dried.  
        Use this variety to flavor herb butters and vinaigrettes, and the edible flowers as a garnish or salad green.

        Harvest the leaves and stems from the top part of the plant, and pinch off edible flower buds as they appear, which prevents the leaves from turning bitter, and signals the plant to branch out and grow more leaves, making a bushier plant.

        The more you harvest, the more it grows!

        • Basil-clove-anise flavor
        • Compact plant
        • Good for indoor gardens
        • Good for containers
        • Tons of medicinal benefits!

        As a medicinal herb, Basil has been used internally to treat anxiety, colds, colic, cough, depression, diarrhea, fever, flatulence, flu, indigestion, insomnia, intestinal parasites and worms, exhaustion, gastric pain, gonorrhea, lactation problems, migraine headache, nausea, stomach cramps, sore throat, and vomiting, and externally to treat acne, insect bites and stings, loss of smell, skin problems, snake bites.

        ⚠️ Do not use medicinally while pregnant.

        ⚠️ Medicinal properties are presented as information only, and are not a recommendation or prescription for use. Consult a medical professional before using any herb medicinally.

        As a companion plant, it attracts hummingbirds, pollinators, and beneficial insects, and repels asparagus beetles, cabbage moths, cabbage white butterfly, cabbage worms, carrot rust fly, flies, maggots, mice, mosquitoes, spider mites, thrips, and tomato hornworms. 

        Shop all Basil Seeds Shop Good Companion Plants for Basil 📚 Grow Guide: Basil 



          See Basil Recipes & Growing Tips on our Pinterest Board

          Follow scotlandsarchitects's board Basil on Pinterest.


          Shop all Basil Seeds Shop Good Companion Plants for Basil 📚 Grow Guide: Basil 
          2016 Basil CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Grows well in full sun Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens Herbs Matures in <90 days planting_cal Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Start indoors Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (Appx. 120 seeds) 2.99 FF604 0 Large Pack (Appx. 1,000 Seeds) 6.99 FF604 0
 2015-03-12T08:39:00-07:00 2015-03-12T08:39:00-07:00 Flowers - Soapwort All Soapwort Seeds SeedsNow

          Vendor: SeedsNow
          Type: All Soapwort Seeds
          Price: 2.99 - 4.99 (2 variants)

          Soapwort (
          Saponaria officinalis) is a beautiful, robust perennial in the carnation family with dark green lance-shaped leaves and light pink star-shaped flowers that have a pleasant floral clove scent. Can grow 1'-2' tall and 12"-18" wide, and prefers cooler weather. The entire plant contains saponins, with the highest concentration in the roots, which make a gentle foamy lather when mixed with warm water, and is used as detergent or soap to clean skin, hair, and delicate fabrics. Also called Bouncing Bet, a historical expression for a laundry woman. Reseeding and runner roots enable it to spread easily and it can become invasive.

          As a medicinal plant, Soapwort has been used internally to treat bronchitis, colds, cough, diarrhea, kidney stones, and respiratory problems, and externally to treat acne, boils, burns, eczema, inflammation, itchy skin, muscle pain, poison ivy, psoriasis, rash, and wounds.

          ⚠️ Toxic to people, pets, and livestock if ingested in large quantities. Toxic to fish, so do not grow near waterways. Do not ingest while pregnant or nursing.

          ⚠️ Medicinal properties are presented as information only, and are not a recommendation or prescription for use. Consult a medical professional before using any plant medicinally.

          • Life cycle: Herbaceous perennial
          • Bloom season: Summer
          • Attracts: Hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, and other pollinators
          • Flower meaning: Innocence, pure love


          • Botanical name: Saponaria officinalis
          • Hardiness zones: 3-9
          • Planting season: Spring, fall
          • Days to maturity: 85 days-2 years
          • Cold stratify: Yes
          • Depth to plant seeds: Lightly cover - seeds need light to germinate
          • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-28 days
          • Germination soil temps: 60F-70F
          • Spacing between plants: 12"-18" apart
          • Soil types: Clay, sandy, loamy, silty, rocky, chalky, poor, average, moist, well-drained
          • Soil pH: 6.6-7.8
          • Water needs: Average
          • Sun needs: Full sun, part shade
          • Frost tolerant: Yes
          • Drought tolerant: Yes
          • Deer resistant: Yes
          CA Zone 1 CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate cold temperatures Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Fall Grows well in full sun Grows well in shade Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens Matures in <90 days planting_cal Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Start indoors Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 1 US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (Appx. 45 seeds) 2.99 95336 0 Large Pack (Appx. 170 Seeds) 4.99 95336 0
 2014-12-27T10:58:00-08:00 2014-12-27T10:58:00-08:00 Parsley - Rooted Hamburg All Parsley seeds SeedsNow

          Vendor: SeedsNow
          Type: All Parsley seeds
          Price: 1.99 - 5.99 (2 variants)

          • A very old heirloom variety dating back to the 1600's

            - Hamburg Rooted Parsley is used differently than other parsley plants. It's actually preferred by many European cooks and is typically the main ingredient for many stews

            - Hamburg Rooted Parsley is a large edible root with smooth mild parsley flavor

            - Very easy to grow

            - In Europe root parsley is usually the first choice over parsnips

          • Day to Maturity | 85 days

          CA Zone 1 CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Fall Grows well in shade Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Herbs Matures in <90 days new-arrivals Parsley planting_cal Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 1 US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Winter Sampler Pack (Appx. 80 seeds) 1.99 95340 0 Large Pack (Appx. 520 seeds) 5.99 95340 0
 2014-12-27T09:33:00-08:00 2014-12-27T09:33:00-08:00 Parsley - Evergreen All Parsley seeds SeedsNow

          Vendor: SeedsNow
          Type: All Parsley seeds
          Price: 2.99 - 6.99 (2 variants)

          Evergreen Parsley Seeds
          (100% Heirloom/Non-Hybrid/Non-GMO)

          • Dark green curly parsley leaves.

            - Can withstand frost and cooler temps better than the other varieties.

            - Use this parsley for garnishing, and culinary decoration.

          • Day to Maturity | 70 days

          • Planting Guide | Sow directly in your garden and space seeds 7" apart. Seeds can take a while to sprout. Can take 3-4 weeks before seedlings appear. Plant will grow to about 10" tall in about 60 days.

          Additional Details

          Parsley is a commonly grown culinary and medicinal herb that is often used as a domestic medicine. The fresh leaves are highly nutritious and can be considered a natural vitamin and mineral supplement in their own right. The plants prime use is as a diuretic where it is effective in ridding the body of stones and in treating jaundice, dropsy, cystitis etc. It is also a good detoxifier, helping the body to get rid of toxins via the urine and therefore helping in the treatment of a wide range of diseases such as rheumatism

          Follow scotlandsarchitects's board Parsley on Pinterest.


          CA Zone 1 CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Fall Grows well in shade Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens Herbs Matures in <90 days Parsley planting_cal Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 1 US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Winter Sampler Pack (Appx. 45 seeds) 2.99 95372 0 Large Pack (Appx. 450 seeds) 6.99 95372 0
 2014-03-14T15:35:00-07:00 2014-03-14T15:35:00-07:00 Basil, Genovese (Sweet Basil) All Basil seeds SeedsNow

          Vendor: SeedsNow
          Type: All Basil seeds
          Price: 2.99 - 6.99 (2 variants)

          Genovese Basil, also called Sweet Basil, has large, tender, fragrant leaves and sweet, spicy anise flavor. The best basil for pesto. The flower spikes dotted with tiny white edible flowers make a delicate garnish or salad addition. This heat-loving herb is a reliable producer and all-around great Italian basil.

          Genovese Basil is a classic! It's prized for being sweet with undertones of a spicy flavor. You can't beat its aroma. These plants grow anywhere from 18"-24" inches and is the variety of choice for making pesto and adding to pizzas.

          Use it in pesto, pasta and pizza sauce, Caprese salad, antipasto, curries, cocktails, smoothies, dressing, herb butter, oil, vinegar, and herbal tea.

          Harvest the leaves and stems from the top part of the plant, and pinch off edible flower buds as they appear, which prevents the leaves from turning bitter, and signals the plant to branch out and grow more leaves, making a bushier plant.

          The more you harvest, the more it grows!

          • Sweet and spicy
          • Grows 2'-3' tall
          • Besto for pesto
          • Good for containers
          • Tons of medicinal benefits!

          As a medicinal herb, Basil has been used internally to treat anxiety, colds, colic, cough, depression, diarrhea, fever, flatulence, flu, indigestion, insomnia, intestinal parasites and worms, exhaustion, gastric pain, gonorrhea, lactation problems, migraine headache, nausea, stomach cramps, sore throat, and vomiting, and externally to treat acne, insect bites and stings, loss of smell, skin problems, snake bites.

          ⚠️ Do not use medicinally while pregnant.

          ⚠️ Medicinal properties are presented as information only, and are not a recommendation or prescription for use. Consult a medical professional before using any herb medicinally.

          As a companion plant, it attracts hummingbirds, pollinators, and beneficial insects, and repels asparagus beetles, cabbage moths, cabbage white fly, cabbage worms, carrot rust fly, flies, maggots, mice, mosquitoes, spider mites, thrips, and tomato hornworms.

          Shop all Basil Seeds Shop Good Companion Plants for Basil 📚 Grow Guide: Basil 

          What is Genovese Basil?

          The most commonly used basil variety for making pesto, you can harvest these leaves as soon as they are large enough to consume. Genovese basil is also known as "Sweet Basil" and a common ingredient to all Italian dishes. The leaves are spoon shaped, glossy and a dark green shade.   It grows best in organic-rich and well drained soil and is an easy to grow annual herb that thrives in areas that remain above 50 degrees Fahrenheit.  

          Health Benefits of Genovese Basil

          Genovese basil is a known health tonic for expecting mothers and when mixed with tea it increases lactation in mothers.  It is also a nerve tonic and young children are sometimes encouraged to chew on the leaves of basil because it stimulates brain cells and can increase memory.  


          Ways to Consume Genovese Basil

          The most popular use is in italian dishes and sauces, especially in genovese sauce and pesto. Genovese Basil goes great in caprese salads and on raw tomatoes for a light, healthy "summery" treat.  Mix basil leaves with olive oil and freeze in ice-cube trays for flavored oils when cooking.  

            See Basil Recipes & Growing Tips on our Pinterest Board

            Follow scotlandsarchitects's board Basil on Pinterest.


            Shop all Basil Seeds Shop Good Companion Plants for Basil 📚 Grow Guide: Basil 
            Basil CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Grows well in full sun Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens Herbs Matures in <90 days planting_cal Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Start indoors Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (Appx. 120 seeds) 2.99 X7414 0 Large Pack (Appx. 1,000 Seeds) 6.99 X7414 0
   2014-03-06T11:15:00-08:00 2014-03-06T11:15:00-08:00 Basil, Herb Mix All Basil seeds SeedsNow

            Vendor: SeedsNow
            Type: All Basil seeds
            Price: 2.99 - 5.99 (2 variants)

            Enjoy some of our most popular varieties of Basil Herbs.  This is a special blend of basil varieties we carry, sure to be a show stopper!  You'll enjoy a wide variety of Basil plants with incredible fragrance and great flavors!  Very easy to grow and extremely popular.

            Best Seller! 


            See Basil Recipes & Growing Tips on our Pinterest Board: 

            Follow scotlandsarchitects's board Basil on Pinterest.

            Shop all Basil Seeds Shop Good Companion Plants for Basil 📚 Grow Guide: Basil 
            Basil CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Grows well in full sun Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens Herbs Matures in <90 days planting_cal Popular culinary varieties Spring Start indoors Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (Appx. 120 seeds) 2.99 93085 0 Large Pack (Appx. 1,000 Seeds) 5.99 93085 0
   2014-02-27T08:55:00-08:00 2014-02-27T08:55:00-08:00 Mint - Spearmint All mint seeds SeedsNow

            Vendor: SeedsNow
            Type: All mint seeds
            Price: 2.99 - 8.99 (2 variants)

            • Spearmint ( Mentha spicatais typically used in teas, jellies, deserts, and salads
            • Extremely fragrant
            • Sweet smelling
            • Acts as a natural wasp repellant
            • Perennial
            • Can be used as a garnish on ice cream and drinks
            • 85 days to maturity

            Click here to see 7 Awesome Mint Drink Recipes HERE

             Follow scotlandsarchitects's board Mint on Pinterest.

            CA Zone 1 CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate cold temperatures Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Grows well in full sun Grows well in shade Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens new-arrivals planting_cal Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Start indoors Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 1 US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (Appx. 100 seeds) 2.99 9609 0 Large Pack (Appx. 500 Seeds) 8.99 9609 0
   2014-02-27T08:55:00-08:00 2014-02-27T08:55:00-08:00 Mint - Lemon All mint seeds SeedsNow

            Vendor: SeedsNow
            Type: All mint seeds
            Price: 2.99 - 9.99 (2 variants)

            • Health Benefits | In skin care, Lemon Mint leaves can be rubbed directly on the skin to fight off mosquitoes.  The dried leaves can also be infused in oil made into lotions for soothing the skin.

            See 7 Awesome Mint Drink Recipes HERE


            Follow scotlandsarchitects's board Lemon Mint on Pinterest.


            CA Zone 1 CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate cold temperatures Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Grows well in full sun Grows well in shade Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens planting_cal Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Start indoors Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 1 US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (Appx. 100 seeds) 2.99 93090 0 Large Pack (Appx. 500 seeds) 9.99 93090 0
   2013-08-14T15:30:00-07:00 2013-08-14T15:30:00-07:00 Lemon Grass All Lemon Grass Seeds SeedsNow

            Vendor: SeedsNow
            Type: All Lemon Grass Seeds
            Price: 2.99 - 8.99 (2 variants)

            • Lemon Grass is a tropical plant that produces a thick grass that can be used for flavoring many culinary dishes. It can also be used to make medicinal tea for the treatment of digestive issues and fever/flu-like symptoms

              - The grass is thick, hearty, and robust with a delicious lemon flavor

              - Makes a GREAT mosquito repellent

              - Some people juice it with other homemade veggies

              - Cats have been known to love lemon grass

              - The oils from the plant can be used for flavorings and/or perfumes
            Days to Maturity | 80-100 days

            Follow scotlandsarchitects's board Lemon Grass on Pinterest.



            Direct sow Grows well with containers Grows well with raised beds planting_cal Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Sampler Pack (Appx. 65 seeds) 2.99 96695 0 Large Pack (Appx. 500 seeds) 8.99 0
   2013-05-17T10:29:00-07:00 2013-05-17T10:29:00-07:00 Oregano - Greek All Oregano seeds SeedsNow

            Vendor: SeedsNow
            Type: All Oregano seeds
            Price: 2.99 - 6.99 (2 variants)

            • One of the most popular Oregano varieties. Use fresh or dried in sauces and soups - or any culinary creation

            • Days to Maturity | 90 days

            Additional Details

            Hippocrates used oregano as an antiseptic, as well as a cure for stomach and respiratory ailments. It is still used today in Greece as a palliative for sore throat. Oregano is also high in antioxidant activity, due to a high content of phenolic acids and flavonoids.


            Follow scotlandsarchitects's board Oregano on Pinterest.


            CA Zone 1 CA Zone 2 CA Zone 3 CA Zone 4 CA Zone 5 CA Zone 6 CA Zone 7 CA Zone 8 Can tolerate cold temperatures Can tolerate hot temperatures Direct sow Grows well in full sun Grows well in shade Grows well with containers Grows well with hydroponic systems Grows well with raised beds Grows well with tower gardens Herbs Matures in <90 days Oregano planting_cal Popular culinary varieties Popular medicinal varieties Spring Start indoors Summer Super easy to grow US Zone 1 US Zone 10 US Zone 11 US Zone 12 US Zone 13 US Zone 2 US Zone 3 US Zone 4 US Zone 5 US Zone 6 US Zone 7 US Zone 8 US Zone 9 Sampler Pack (Appx. 200 seeds) 2.99 FF617 0 Large Pack (appx. 1000 seeds) 6.99 FF617 0