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Bean, Lima/Pole - King of the Garden - scotlandsarchitects

All Pole & Runner Bean Seeds

(10 products)
All Beans ⟐ Bush Beans ⟐ Fava & Broad Beans ⟐ Lima Beans  

We have the highest quality Pole and Runner Bean seeds to plant in your organic vegetable garden.Β 

Pole and Runner Beans
Β areΒ vigorous vining plants.Β TheyΒ produces reliably heavy yields of pods, usually up to 8" long, with delicious beans inside.Β These beans grow high off the ground for easy harvesting. Easy to grow and quick to produce. Every home garden should include beans. They grow well anywhere and don't require much space.Β 

Buy Pole and Runner Bean seeds now!

Shop Good Companion Plants for Beans πŸ“šΒ Grow Guide: Beans
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