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Seed Personality: Grows Well with Raised Beds

(518 products)
Raised beds are the perfect way to start your own garden. They are ideal for smaller spaces (versus a conventional row garden); great for rocky, poor, or abused soil; produces a higher yield for the area size, thanks to better drainage and deep rooting; allows for a longer growing season, since you can work the soil more quickly in the spring in frost-hardened regions; makes gardening easier; for example, intensive planting creates shade mulch to keep the weeds down. When constructing your raised beds there are a few things you'll want to think about and keep in mind. How to Build Perfect Raised Beds  ⟐  The Benefits of Raised Beds  ⟐  Great Materials For Making Raised Beds  ⟐  How To Plant a Straw/Hay Bale Raised Bed ⟐ How to Make a Hugelkultur Bed (& What is a Hugelkultur?) 

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